Friday, December 31, 2010

Another opportunity

Well, I have another job opportunity within Community Media Group. Anelia Dimitrova, the regional editor for Northeast Iowa (based with Waverly Newspapers/Cedar Falls Times) called me Wednesday morning letting me know that the editor position at the Independence Bulletin-Journal is opening up, and she wants me to take the helm for at least the next three months.

The editor currently, Mike Hohenbrink, is leaving in the next couple weeks, so Anelia needed me to start there Monday, so I can get shown the ropes. I told this to Mark Roussell, the Witham Auto Centers Cedar Falls sales manager, and he understood. While I was at the Waterloo lot, Mark and Tim Godfrey, the general manager for all three lots, discussed it, and Tim figured he'd try to get me to stay. If I were one to be into sales, I would stay, but I'm a journalist. I had to take this opportunity and give my two weeks (I'll still do three mornings a week for the next two) so they can find my replacement.

Anyway, from my understanding, Anelia wants me aboard instead of having their correspondent take over because I have design skills. Of course, I also have many years of experience in different kinds of writing and photography, so that goes for me. Plus, Anelia, as she said time and again, has been looking out for something to give me a more permanent position within the company. The question is only my best fit.

I'm interim because the publisher, Deb Weigel, figured we'd also have a nationwide search in case I or they don't feel it's my fit or something like that. Plus, at the start of April, Hawkeye Racing News resumes weekly publications. I'm still going to be able to do Cedar Falls-area sports, as the correspondent does most of the evening meetings and such.

So, we'll see how things go. Until then, everyone have a Happy 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Eric! I hope this works out for you and turns into a permanent position with more money!

    Wishing you good luck and a Happy New Year!

