Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chinese county encouraging zentai purchases?

photo courtsey chinaspike.com

I was checking a few of the sites I follow on Blogger, and found an article linked through Zentailifestyle. The article is from ChinaSpike.com about a county in rural China asking its people and officials to buy zentai suits from a local manufacturer. Of course, it's been pointed otu that ChinaSpike.com is a lot like The Onion, in that the site is full of fake news.

Quoting the article:

"To make up the lost revenue, officials will now be required to purchase one zentai suit for each family member over the age of eighteen from the Gongan Zentai Trading Company. The company is one of the county largest employers with revenues in 2008 of USD 23,998,000. Since the economic downturn sales of the skin-tight suits to the UK, Japan France, USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand have dropped by more than 90 percent.

"Local officials working at various government departments will not be asked to choose a particular type of suit, but must accept their duty and meet the specified quotas, according the government website."

The reason the article said they're asking the county officials to buy the suits: It's to make up for money lost from their original idea to buy 230,000 packs a year of local cigarettes.

Just think, a community of people wearing zentai. How quaint that is! Even though this article isn't real, just think of the posibilities.

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