Tuesday afternoon, I interviewed with a manager of Witham Auto Center in Cedar Falls for a pair of possible job opportunities. One was for the position I applied through Cumulus Jobs for - auto sales - but the other is something that came up and the guy matched me up for with what was in my resume - Website production.
Anyway, I get there about 20 minutes early, as it's always a good practice to do. I introduced myself to the receptionist, and was directed to the service waiting room while Mark, the guy I was meeting, finished with a customer. About 30 minutes later, he finally caught up with me and went into his office.
First thing he asked me was why I thought I could sell cars. I gave him my wanting to try something different than pizza delivery or newspaper writing, and I thought I can make it work out. I also mentioned the CARS program, also known as "cash-for-clunkers." I thought that this would be a good time to enter the business, as people are now more likely to try to buy a new, more fuel-efficient car, and I wanted to be a part of it.
However, looking at my resume, Mark thought that the Web coordinator job would be better to my skillset, as I have experience taking photography with my newspaper jobs. He advised me to take a few days to think it over and get back with him.
That night, I visited my girlfriend, Jenny, and this opportunity came up. She thought I should seriously take the job as opposed to auto sales either at Witham's or at Holdiman Motors down the street a couple miles. She said I can take the job, which would be during weekday mornings, still work for Pizza Hut, which I figured I can do Wednesday nights, Saturdays and Sundays, and do correspondent work for the Cedar Falls Times. That convinced me, but I had to make sure it was doable with Andy.
Wednesday morning, I was prepared to talk with Andy about the prospect, except he wasn't there then. Wes, who's being groomed to be assistant manager of the store, switched shifts with Andy, so I had to wait for the next day to tell Andy what was going on. So, I tell Andy that Witham's wants me to work there in the mornings, and that I would need an adjustment to my schedule starting the week of Aug. 10, to what I just mentioned above. He agreed to it. So, I just needed to tell Mark that I'd take the job. I tried to do that when I got home yesterday, but he was out. He called me back today about 11:15, but I couldn't take the call at the time, as I'm not allowed to make or take calls on my cell phone in the store unless it's an emergency or has to do with work.
When I went on my second delivery of the day, to Dan Deery Motors' parts department, I called Mark to let him know I'd take the job and arranged to start Aug. 10 at 9:30 a.m. The girl who's doing the job now would show me how to work the camera and work with me before she leaves to do what she's going to be doing next at mid-month.
From what I've been told, this is a special camera. I cannot use my Canon Digital Rebel XT that I use for my newspaper coverage. What it can do is scan the barcode for the Vehicle Identification Number that you'd see inside the corner of the windshield atop the dashboard on the driver's side. Then the pictures can be matched up with the car, which we'd have to take several for the Website. When they're uploaded, the computer can match the VIN with information on the vehicle we're selling. Once everything is ready, we then upload the pictures and information to the Mudd Group, which handles the production of the site.
As part of the job, I would have to take the pictures of the cars at all three of Witham's locations - Cedar Falls, Waterloo and LaPorte City. Because of that, they will allow me to drive any car on the lot between lots. All three Witham dealerships sell Ford cars and trucks, while the Cedar Falls location also deals with Volkswagen, Waterloo does Kia and LaPorte sells Chevrolets. I'd probably drive more of the Fords and VWs from the Cedar Falls store, as I'll probably be based there.
What I'm thinking about is when I take a few of the cars out for a spin between stores, I'll give you all a review of the vehicles I'd drive, and maybe I can get a few more followers to monetize this blog. That way, I can probably make a few extra bucks.
Speaking of a few extra bucks, last summer, I co-wrote a zentai-based sci-fi story called "The Community" with a guy in the UK. We were hoping to be able to sell the story as a novel, as it was pretty long and involved, but nothing came out of that. Anyway, one of our fellow members of Ayus-Zentai decided to start a zentai picture book at Lulu.com. Rene, my partner in crime on this project, checked out Lulu, and found we would have no up-front costs to produce our book. The book would be available for purchase as either a download or in paperback. As soon as Rene is ready to publicize it, I'll put up a link on here to buy the book. From what I saw, the download is about $8.50 and paperback is about $12.
We're in the midst of doing a sequel to "The Community" called "No Community." I won't give too much away, but it deals with some people who want to separate themselves from the world-wide Community in our first work.
That's about all for now. If there's anything new personally, or if I have reactions from what's going on in the news, I'll post again. Until next time!